Our mother company name is S A LA Hispano Argentina, located in Argentina is a long history tannery that has been in business since 1914. Its range of different leather supplies to the footwear hand bag and belt industries. Our market in Asia growing very fast, so On 1997 we have our HK office, and China respective office recently we have our own finishing plant in China to provide our better services to our customer. We have people in Huizhou (China factory) around 100 people. 本公司位于惠州市园洲镇,属阿根廷外商独资企业,总公司位于阿根廷,目前在香港有办事处,大陆工厂现有员工约100人;我们在柬埔寨已经建立了新的运营中心,以便更好的接近和服务东南亚市场。主要经营皮革加工,为鞋类、手提包等工业提供不同种类的皮料,公司免费提供食宿, 欢迎你的加入!